Adenium Plants Diseases And Their Treatment
One of the most common problems in my Adenium is stem root and leaf disease. Stem rot occurs on the tips of the Adenium plants and progresses down the stem. Leaf rot occurs in Adenium plants when the leaf is continually wet. Here you get more Adenium plant information and Adenium plant care information.
Leaf Disease :

First, leaf rot in adeniums is the easiest to treat. Just remove the effective leaves on the desert rose plant and move the location of the adenium so the leaves dry out. When you water try not to wet the Adenium leaves or if your plants are watered using sprinklers make sure you do it early in the day so the leaves have time to dry out quickly. Do not water the Adenium plant in the evenings. If you are in the tropics or desert this is not usually a problem because even the nights are still warm enough to dry out the leaves of the Adenium desert rose plant fast.
Stem Roots Rot :
Adenium Desert rose plant stem root is caused by a fungus, It’s the most common problem with adeniums. The Adenium plant rot is either black, dark brown or yellow. The actual desert rose rot part can be wet or dry and it processes down the stem of the Adenium plant. When we see this we do not wait for the desert rose plant to fight the problem we cut the effective part off the plant. When cutting off the stem of Adenium make sure you look inside the stem and make sure the adenium plant cut is far enough down so you only see good tissue with discoloration. Adenium desert roses may stop this rot by forming an abscission zone. This zone happens more in desert regions than in tropical, humid and cooler climates. One sure sign of stem rot on desert rose plants is when the leaves start to fall off on the tip and turn brown.
White Leaf Fungus on Adenium plant :

There is one leaf disease reported with Adenium that we have not seen yet. It’s a white fungal Adenium plant disease that affects the leaf first and then kills the rest of the plant. The fungus will spread to other Adenium plants quickly so if you encounter this problem treat the infective desert rose plant to an insulation area. If the problem gets to the stem of the plant then the plant usually dies. Since we have not encountered this problem we do not know if cutting off the infective stem of Adenium will save the desert rose plant or not. Again the main cause of this and other leaf problems is caused by heavy watering. It’s important that the leaves of the desert rose plants do not stay continually wet.
Have a look at varieties of Adenium here and get your combo on discount, just click Adenium-Urban Plants
What you call white leaf fungus look like mealy bugs to me. It’s a sucking insect that usually occurs on stressed plants. I get them on my gardenias and other yard plants in spring here in Central Florida. They are eaten by ladybugs, if you are lucky enough to have them when the mealy bug shows up. If you find them early enough you can treat. Once the infestation is in the roots, the plant is not likely to make it. On my gardenias I’ve had success spraying with Windex. Some people use alcohol and a q-tip. Get to them way before they look like your picture!
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