FLower seeds combo pack
3 products
3 products
Growing flowers from seed is the fastest growing vegetable you will see. A flower seed takes 30 days from seed to harvest, usually without much effort. Although All types of flower seeds require heat and light to grow quickly. Though They can be easily grown outdoors or in containers. It is very important to buy organic vegetable seeds from a reliable source.
Similarly You can now buy All Types Of Flower seeds online At Urban plants. This flower seeds combo contains
1) Aster Formula Mix
2) Anthirihinium Semitalla Mix
3) African Marigold F2 White
4) Balsam (Impatiens Tom Thumb Mix)
5) Brachycom Mixed
6) Cleome Spinosa Mixed
7) Cosmos Sensation Mixed
8) Coleus Blumei Rainbow Mix
9) Centaurea Dwarf Dbl Polka Dot (Aciano)
10) Calendula fb Mix
11) Chrysanthemum carinatum
12) Chrysanthemum Paludosum White
13) Cassandra (Kanakambaram)
14) Clarkia Mix
15) Hansa Cineraria Mix
16) Celosia Cockscomb Mix
17) Dahlia Variabillis Figaro Type Imperial Mix
18) Dianthus Nelke Chubaud Mix
19) Dimorphotica Glistening White (BCS)
20) Delphinium Consolida Imperial Mix
21) Dianthus baby doll
22) Bellis Perennis Pomponette Mixed (Daisy Bellis)
23) Gomphrena Choice Mix
24) Gaillardia Aristata Mix
25) Gazania
26) Gerbera California Giants
27) Helichrysum Mix
28) Stockrose Mix
29) Lupine Hartweggi Pixil Mix
30) Lotus Mix
31) Mesembryanthemum Heavens Mix
32) Marigold Orange (Desi)
33) Marigold Yellow (Desi)
34) Osteospermum Mix
35) Petunia N/C Mix
36) Petunia Star Mix
37)Portulaca Grandiflora Dbl Mix
38) Rudbeckia Rustic Dwar
39) Dhalia mix
40) zinnia mix
41) sunflower seeds
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