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A lot of food and garden waste is simply discarded and sent to landfill or incinerators. Composting allows organic waste to slowly break down into soil-like products, helping to remove unnecessary waste and produce nutrient-rich soil. Type of composting that uses earthworms to speed up the decomposition process and that can be easily implemented at home or in areas with limited space. This blog post has some easy tips for setting up your own home or community vermicomposting bin
! Vermicomposting can be a great alternative to traditional composting in areas with limited outdoor space.
Uses a closed container for the worms (especially red worms, Eisenia fetida) to feed, grow and reproduce. This system uses earthworm digestion as well as the work of other aerobic microorganisms to create a dark, rich soil amendment useful for increasing soil fertility and supporting plant health. While traditional composting requires a large, ventilated outdoor area and maintenance by frequently turning the pile and mixing layers properly to ensure even decomposition, with vermicomposting the worms do all the work (although they still do). temperatures, material mix and humidity).
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