How To Grow Monstera Deliciosa And Train This Intriguing Plant

by Sadabahar Greens Pvt. Ltd.

Monstera Deliciosa Urban plants The Swiss Cheese plant is also known as Monstera Deliciosa. To begin, let me state unequivocally that I despise this plant's popular name. It's not just "cheesy," (no pun intended), but it's also deceptive and confusing. Many people confuse this popular name with the names of other plants that are similar. As a result, I'm not going to call this plant the Swiss Cheese plant. Not in this article, my Instagram photos, or my Pinterest boards. Never, ever.
Let's move on now that I've finished my rant…
Monstera Deliciosa is an intriguing and well-liked indoor plant. This plant is most recognised for its fenestrated leaves, which are shaped like windows (leaves with holes). The ability of the Monstera Deliciosa to climb over other plants and trees in the wild, as well as poles and trellises indoors, intrigues me the most. As if the gigantic fenestrated leaves weren't tropical enough, its aerial roots give it that additional "wild jungle" aspect!
For years, the Monstera Deliciosa, particularly its "holy leaf," has been all the rage on Instagram. It has become an iconic plant used to stage architectural interiors, product still life, and blog photographs all over the web, alongside the Fiddle Leaf Fig and the Rubber Plant. But there is more to this plant than just its leaf.

Origins Of The Monstera Deliciosa 

Monstera deliciosa plant care Urban plants Monstera Deliciosa is a tropical plant that can be found in the tropical woods of Southern Mexico. It was then spread to other tropical regions, where it became invasive. Monstera is an epiphyte, meaning it grows on top of other plants or trees (like many types of ferns and orchids). To crawl, climb, and anchor itself to these plants, it employs its lengthy aerial roots.
As previously said, there is a great deal of misunderstanding and misunderstanding about what the true Monstera Deliciosa is. The fact that the plant is known as "Swiss Cheese" doesn't help matters, as there are other plants with holes.
Here are three separate plants that are frequently mislabeled and called Monstera Deliciosa, Philodendron Monstera, or Swiss Cheese plant interchangeably.
MONSTERA alludes to the plant's enormous size, whilst DELICIOSA refers to the edible fruit.
This is a leaf from a Split Leaf Philodendron. The Monstera Deliciosa leaf is very distinguishable. It's not a heart-shaped fenestrated leaf. There are no holes in the leaves of the Split Leaf Philodendron. Simply divide the leaves.
It's a Monstera Adansoni leaf this time. Its leaves aren't as heart-shaped as Monstera Deliciosa. They have the "cheesiest" appearance of the bunch, with most of its holes being holes rather than long cuts like the Monstera Deliciosa. Furthermore, the Monstera Deliciosa's plant and leaves are substantially smaller in scale.

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