Have you ever heard about football lily?

Football lily flower is a common name of scadoxus multiflorus. They are planted for decoration purpose as they are good looking flowers of football shape . It's roots are very poisonous and dangerous so should be avoided to touch.
When should football Lily Bulbs be planted?
Football Lily bulbs can be planted in any season as they are hard in nature but they only Bloom during spring and monsoon season. This plant is perennial ornamental flower which can be planted once and then blooms in successive years. If you are thinking to plant football lily flower at your home this is the best decision because this flower plant does not need too much of care and Management as well as it's bulbs are available easily and planting is also very easy.
Where one can find water lily bulbs online in India?

Football water lily bulbs and plants are easily available at urban plants. Planting of this flower plant is one of the best idea to decorate your home and garden as it is very easy to plant it through bulb.
How football lily flowers can be managed?
It is not at all at tough task to manage football lily flowers as once the flowers Bloom in the plant then they need or require partial sun light instead of full sunlight. So, football lily plants should be kept at indoors or in partially shaded area . This activity make the plant to last its flower for about 30 to 40 days.
I need 500 no Football lilly bulb
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