Tacoma Yellow
What's so special about Tecoma Yellow ?
Yellow bells (Tecoma Stans) are fast-growing evergreen shrubs with slender, grayish-brown branches and clusters of bright yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers. The green, toothed, lace-shaped leaves provide a beautiful backdrop for the shrub's vibrant blooms, which attract hummingbirds, butterflies and bees
Yellow bells are tolerant of many soil conditions, but they do best in rich, slightly moist, well-draining soil. Adding a healthy amount of compost to the soil is an effective way to ensure adequate drainage while providing vital nutrients.
Yellow bells thrive in full sun but can be grown in partially shaded areas. However, yellow bells grown in partial shade will not grow as tall or lush as those that receive 6 hours or more of sunlight each day.
Yellow bells prefer dry to slightly moist soil conditions. As a desert plant, yellow bells are drought tolerant and can handle dry spells. Be sure not to overwater, as this can lead to rot problems. Natural rainfall is often sufficient for this plant to flourish.
In most cases, these plants do not require additional fertilizer. However, if you notice that the plant is slow to grow or bloom, apply a well-balanced fertilizer once during the growing season.
Images are for reference; the original product may vary in shape and size.