Tacoma Orange
What's so special about Tacoma Orange?
- Low maintenance plant.
- Perfect plant for the outdoor garden.
Tecoma , commonly known as Cape honeysuckle, is a flowering, versatile evergreen that is suitable as a climbing vine, border plant, shrub or ground cover.
Sunlight-3-6 hours of morning sunlight a day is ideal for flowering and the rest of the day the plants grow well in bright light.
Soil-Soil for growing a Tecoma plant should be well-draining, fertile, and rich in organic material.
Water-Do not over water the plant. As a general rule, keep plants well watered in the summer and sparingly during the winter and rainy season. Water should be applied in the morning or evening.
Fertilizer-The care of this plant is very minimal and easy. After 20 to 25 days vermicompost. 50 to 100 grams per plant should be added to this plant.
Images are for reference; the original product may vary in shape and size.