Sonchampa (3-4 feet)
What makes it special in the Sonchampa?
Champa is a very famous flower of India, and popular for its fragrant inflorescences. The flowers are fragrant, yellow, inverted lanceolate. The buds, young twigs, young petioles, and young leaf blades are pale yellow with velvety hairs. The twigs rise upwards and form a narrow umbellate crown.
The soil for growing Sonchampa plant should be well-draining, fertile and rich in organic matter.
Do not over water the plant.
As a general rule, keep plants well watered in the summer and sparingly during the winter and rainy season.
Water should be applied in the morning or evening.
Loosen the top soil without disturbing the plant's roots so that it can take up nutrients and moisture more easily. Feed the plant once a month (October-January) with an organic fertilizer during the main growing season. Water immediately after fertilizing.
Images are for reference; the original product may vary in shape and size.