Buy Dutch Iris Mix Flower Bulbs
Dutch Iris Mix Flower Bulb:
In flower gardens, Dutch Iris mix flower are a common flower to grow.
The springy Dutch Iris mix flower bulbs are not difficult to grow, thrive in a variety of climates, and require little maintenance and are drought tolerant.
The Dutch Iris flower is beautiful when it blooms, with colours ranging from the usual purple shade to patterned white and yellow.
It has narrow leaves and upright stems that produce flowers.
Common Name - Spanish iris, Small bulbous-rooted iris.
Height - Up to 30 inches
Flower Colour - Varies-Pink, Orange, Yellow, Dutch iris Blue magic, Purple Dutch iris, White, Multicolor, Dutch iris mixed colours.
Bloom Time - May and June, but not always
Difficulty Level - Easy to grow
Planting and care:
- Surface or carelessly mulching with organic matter, which may encourage rhizome rot.
- Keep rhizomes exposed.
- Iris rhizomes need a bit of sun and air to dry them out.
- If Dutch Iris Mix Flower Bulbs recovered with soil or crowded by other plants, they will rot.
- Irises may benefit from shallow mulching in the spring.
- Do not trim iris leaves.
- In addition Leaves carry on photosynthesis for next year's growth.
- Cut off brown tips and cut the flowering stalk down to the rhizome to discourage rot.
- Similarly If iris foliage is hit with heavy frost, remove and destroy it to eliminate borer eggs.
- After 2 to 5 years, when clumps become congested or lose vitality, divide and replant sound rhizomes in fresh soil.
Iris Care:
- Therefore Iris rhizomes should be planted for maximum results in July, August, or September.
- This is also the optimum time to divide and replant iris that have gotten crowded, typically after three to five years (plants are typically dormant during the heat of July and August).
- Irises that have just been planted need to have their roots well-established before the growth season ends.
- At least four to six weeks prior to the first hard freeze or death frost, plant your irises.
Sunlight - Full Sun
Watering- Water thoroughly.
Soil - Sandy, Loamy well-drained soil
Temperature - 6 degrees C to 23 degrees C
Fertilizer - Apply any organic fertilizer.
Iris Special feature:
- Dutch iris are attractive and are easy to grow, these are a favourite among florists and home gardeners.
- These plant is use as a decorative item.
How to store dutch iris bulbs:
- Dry the roots completely, then scrape off any extra soil.
- Sprinkle some antifungal powder on them.
- Each bulb should be wrap in newspaper and kept in a box in a cold, dark location.
- Regularly inspect them for any signs of deterioration.