Cactus Sulcorebutia
3 inch pot. More than 10 clumps.
Quantity - 1
Rebutia better known as Sulcorebutia is a local or morphological form of the variable Rebutia . It is a choice solitary plant with dark green stems, white or brownish pectinated spines and profuse brownish or reddish flowers. This cactus is indeed beautiful even without its blooms. It is very variable. In habitat it is a slow growing generally solitary cactus, but in cultivation may forms clumps of many heads.
Sulcorebutia arenacea are extremely drought tolerant and prone to rot if overwatered. Let the soil dry out between watering, but when you do water, water them thoroughly, fully saturating the soil. If you are unsure whether or not the soil is dry, wait a few days before watering.