Buy Ornithogalum Flower Bulbs (Set of 5 bulbs)
Buy Ornithogalum Flower Bulbs ( set of 5 bulbs):
About the bulbs:
This contains 5 bulbs of Ornithogalum flower which blooms beautiful flowers. Planting is very easy . It is very easy to take care for them .
Soil requirement:
Well drained soil is required for growing Oriental Lily Bulbs. The growth can be enhanced by adding organic manure.
Depth required:
The bulbs should be planted about 3 inches deep and keep the bulbs 6 inches apart from each other.
Water requirement:
Watering can be done once in 3 days and try to keep the soil moist.
Avoid Watering in the Winters .
Water only when soil is dry in winters .
When to plant the bulbs?
The bulbs can be planted from October to February.
When will it bloom ?
The blooming occurs in June and July. The flowers last for about 4 weeks .
Sunlight requirement:
Sunlight requirement is about 5 to 6 hours / day. The bulbs thrive well in such conditions.
Avoid keeping them in shade for too long .
How can Propagation be done ?
Propagation is done through corms/bulbs . The bulbs also reproduce and produce baby corms which can be separated for the mother plant and planted separately .
Where pots can be placed?
The pot should be placed in a sunny place where it can receive full sunlight for about 4 to 8 hours. You can place the pot near the window or on the balcony.
When repotting can be done?
Repotting can be after 3 to 4 years of planting. The corms or bulbs should be divided and moved to another pot to avoid overcrowding.
How to care ?
Avoid overwatering.
Place the pots on an open dry place where sunlight comes.
Note :
Images only for reference; the actual product may differ in shape and size . The product is replaceable but non -returnable.
Dig a 2 to 3-inch opening, place the bulb into it and cover with soil. Leave around 6 creeps of room between every bulb. In the wake of planting, water well with the goal that the dirt over the bulbs settles
It looks great grown in large drifts on a sunny bank of soil, or used as an underplanting for deciduous trees and shrubs. For best results, grow Ornithogalum umbellatum in full sun or partial shade in well-drained soil. As a spring-flowering bulb, the bulbs should be planted in autumn for flowers the following year.
Place the pruned bulb in a dim area that gives low stickiness and temperatures around 10°C (50°F) for a very long time. Water sparingly so the bulb is simply 'ticking over' however remember that a lot of soil dampness will cause root or pythium decay.
Size of the bulbs: 1 inch