Buy Eucharis/Amazon Lily Flower Bulbs| imported amazon lily| white color | set of 5 - Sovi
BULB NAME :-Eucharis/ Amazon lily
Quick Guide:
Plant type: Bulb
- Origin: Central and South America
Common name: Amazon lily
Growing zones and range: Zones 14-15
Hardiness: Tender
Height and width: 28 inches (70cm) tall, 6 inches (15cm) wide
Foliage: Ovate or elliptic to lance-shape, glossy, basal leaves often wavy, sometimes folded
Flowers: Umbels of daffodil-like white flowers; each flower has 6 spreading tepals
Bloom time: Late summer
Uses: Bed or border in tropical regions, houseplant
- Colour available: WHITE
Amazon Lily Care Tips:
Originating from Colombia and Peru, Amazon Lilies thrive in bright light but not direct sun. Keep soil moist during growth, but avoid soggy conditions to prevent bulb rot. Maintain 40-50% humidity and average room temperatures. Use a rich, well-draining soil mix and feed monthly with diluted fertilizer during spring and summer. Propagate by planting offset bulbs shallowly and watering sparingly until new growth appears.
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Images are for reference purpose only. Actual product may vary in size, shape etc according to climate.