Buy Begonia Flower Mix Bulbs
Urban Plants
SKU: UP80043
Buy Begonia Flower Mix Bulbs
Common Name - Wax begonia and clubed begonia.
Begonia plant Height. - 6 to 12 (height) x 12 to 18 (width)
Begonia flower Color - Mix color
Begonia flowering Time - Year round
Difficulty Level - Medium
Planting procedure:
- The performance of begonia flower mix bulbs tubers is optimum when these are planted in the spring.
- Create a hole that is three times as deep as the begonia flower mix bulb's height.
- Place the begonia flower bulb in the hole with the hollow side facing up, and then firmly cover it with soil.
- Bulbs should be 3 inches apart.
- Water the bulb after planting.
- Use a potting mixture of garden soil, compost, perlite, and sand to plant bulbs (2:2:1:1) Vermicompost, soil, and cocopeat (2:1:2)
Sunlight - Partial sunlight most begonias can thrive in both full sun and full shade. Plant sould be provided with part shade and 4 to 6 hours of early sunlight.
Water - Ample water during the growing season. It thrives in a variety of environments, but for it to remain at its most luxuriant, provide it with light shade, rich, well-drained soil, and an abundance of water.
Soil - Well-drained.
- When exposed to cold, damp soils, begonias are extremely vulnerable to rot and stem rot, therefore appropriate drainage is crucial.
- Choose a light potting soil that includes extra perlite.
- or make your own mix by combining potting soil, perlite, and peat moss in equal amount.
Temperature - 18 and 20 degree C.
Fertilizer - Fertilize during the growing season with liquid fertilizer.
The ideal fertiliser for begonias is a balanced, slow-release 20-20-20 mixture.
Begonia uses:
A number of cultivars have been selected as ornamental plants.
They can be used as bedding plants and in window boxes, hanging baskets.
Buy Begonia Flower Mix Bulbs from Uran Plants and enjoy gardening.