Zinnia Flower Plant Care and Gardening Tips

by Urban Plants

Zinnia flower plants Urban plants Zinnia flower plants (Zinnia elegans) are a colorful and long lasting addition to the flower garden. When you learn how to plant zinnia plants for your area, you’ll be able to add this popular annual to sunny areas that benefit from their perky blooms.

Gardening Zinnia Flower Plants 

Growing zinnia flower plants can be inexpensive, particularly when growing them from seed. Seeds of zinnia flower plant should usually be sown directly into the sunny flower bed, as developing roots do not like to be disturbed. 
If you wish to start growing zinnia flower plants from seeds indoors, plant the seeds in peat pots, poo pots (pots made from cow dung) or other biodegradable containers that can be planted directly into the garden later. Start seeds of the zinnias four to six weeks before the last frost date in your area. Zinnia plants begin to show growth outdoors when temperatures are above 50 F about 10 C. 
Space the zinnia seeds for growing zinnia plants properly, usually several inches to a couple of feet apart 10-60 cm, depending on the size of the mature plant. This allows for adequate air circulation around the zinnia plants as they grow. Powdery mildew and other diseases can attack zinnia flower plants that are planted too close together or that remain wet from overhead watering. 
While the widest range of zinnia flower colors and heights comes from planting seeds, the popular flower is usually available in starter packs as well at your local garden center. 

Zinnia Flower Plant Care 

Zinnia care should include watering at the bottom of the plant. A soaker hose is ideal for keeping foliage and petals dry while providing required irrigation. Zinnia plant care may also include watering in the early morning, which allows the foliage and flowers ample time to dry off before nightfall. 
Keep the soil humid, but not soggy, for young plants. Mature zinnia plants require less watering, as grown flowers are somewhat drought tolerant. With proper placement and correct watering, zinnia flower plants provide long-term color and beauty in the summer flower bed. 
Growing zinnia flower plants benefit from deadheading and flower removal (used in cut flower bouquets). Clipping the zinnia plant back often results in more abundant blooms. In addition, when learning how to grow zinnia plants, remember that pinching back results in a bushier and more attractive plant. If you’re looking to add some bright color, grow some zinnia flower plants in your summer garden this year.

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