Top 5 Euphorbia Plants That Are Hard To Kill

by Sadabahar Greens Pvt. Ltd.

Euphorbias are easy to grow and low maintenance plants that are a sight to behold in gardens and indoor plants. They are largely perennial plants that have very few problems. These plants have rich and attractive leaves with never-before-seen flowers. They are drought and heat-tolerant plants with a long blooming period.

With more than 2000 species of euphorbia plants, let’s have a look at the top 5 euphorbia plants –





Euphorbia Albipollenifera 

These are also known as Spurge. These are easy-to-grow perennial plants that perfectly fit into the category of houseplants. These tiny annual plants that can be really big. They have over 2000 species, most of which are flowering as well.

These can be grown from the seeds, but that process can be somewhat difficult. Cutting and pruning are some of the easiest methods to grow this plant at a faster speed.

Euphorbia Aphylla 

These plants are home to sandy, stony, and clay-based areas with very little vegetation. They have dense branches and succulent shrubs. These plants are also characterized by short trunks that further branch into several other categories.

This is an easy-to-grow plant that can also be grown in containers if given proper climatic situations.

Euphorbia Neorubella

A rocky succulent plant that is normally seen in dry and drought-like situations. They have a quite interesting thin branched stem that looks like a spider. The plant has a root that is where it stores water.

This plant requires free draining soil that is mildly acidic.

Euphorbia obesa 

It is a subtropical succulent plant that bears flowers. The plant is also referred to as a baseball plant because of its unique shape. Young plants are cylindrical, but with age, they become spherical. This is a slow-growing plant because each plant contains only 2-3 seeds.

This plant fares quite well in medium rainfall conditions.

Euphorbia Baioensis 

This is a small succulent that takes the form of a shrub. It branches from the base area. The stems of these plants are cylindrical, having at least 8-10 branches. The flowers of this plant are small and yellow that is normally seen from spring to summer season.

These are the sun lover plants that can tolerate partial shade.

The above given are some of the best plants in the category of euphorbia. All of these plants and much more are available on our website.

Nurserylive is your answer to all your green queries. You can buy any plants from different categories like – sacred plants, ornamental plants, indoor plants, air-purifying plants, succulents, and many more. You can also get other plant accessories like – plant pots, plant stands, different types of soil, different types of fertilizers, and many more.

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