The detailed aspects of Waste Management in India

by Sadabahar Greens Pvt. Ltd.

Waste Generation & Segregation:


The waste is generated in India segregated form. The waste generators have been classified as semi bulk, domestic and bulk generators. Domestic waste generators are the generators that generate less than 25 kg of waste per day. Generators that generate 25-100 kg of waste per day have been classified assemi bulk waste generators. The waste generators generating more than 50 kg of waste have been classified as bulk generators.

Waste Collection & Transportation:

The waste is collected in segregated form by partitioned tippers from domestic waste generators. These tippers have been partitioned in the ratio of 50:50, 60:40 or 85: 15 waste. The wet and dry waste is collected by these vehicles in separate chambers for wastes. The domestic hazardous waste is collected in a separate bin that is attached at the back of the tipper collector. The tippers collector have a predefined collection route which has been defined in their deployment plan. The tippers on completing their waste collection routes, move to their designated GTS and offload their waste in the designated compactor. The compactor compresses the domestic waste and it is loaded on the hook loader to be transported to the central processing plant.   



The weighbridge facility at the processing plant is a computerized facility and the first point of interaction for all vehicles incoming to the plant to offload the waste. All the incoming vehicles are wasted upon entering the plant and after they have offloaded the waste to determine the waste that has been brought by them. Then a receipt is waste generated and recorded at the facility. This receipt depicts the type of waste, quantity of waste transported, registration number of the vehicle, source transfer station and the in-out time of the vehicle.

Waste Processing:

The dry waste from both the transfer stations and the bulk waste collection vehicles is offloaded at the MRF centers, where they are further segregated and processed. The wet waste from the transfer stations and the bulk waste collection system is offloaded for processing at the central composting plant at the site. The wet waste of the bulk generators is processed on site by the respective waste generators.

A Modern Technique of Waste Management


In the waste management process, there are many conflicts to make efficient waste management reduce waste dump only handover the uncompromising waste. Use remaining compostable material for the composting process. For composting used Sadabahar composter vertical garden planter tower will help the best feature of it is self fertilizing with inbuilt composter attached with planter that is available at Urban plants

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