Perfect Vertical Garden Ideas for wall

There are a variety of different DIY Modern vertical gardens you can install in your own outdoor area. Here is a series of vertical garden design ideas for making your own unique vertical garden.
Living walls:
You can plant greenery directly into an ordinary wall that is prepared properly to make it a vertical garden wall. Use wire mesh or wall pockets to hang your plants along the surface of the wall space, or attach a ventilating layer of plastic sheeting or landscape fabric to the wall with your vertical garden plants on top of it. Depending on the wall material, you may be able to drill vertical garden planters on the wall directly into the surface.
Wall trellis:

Attach a gridded trellis to any outdoor wall to make an outdoors vertical wall garden for vining plants like tomatoes, ivy, and more.
Window boxes:
These wall-mounted planter boxes which sit right beneath your windowsill or balcony provide a simple way to suspend your vertical garden planters and small plants above the ground. Window boxes are great for seasonal succulents, flowers, and trailing plants, and provide easy access for watering and care. Herb gardens also do well in window boxes as an indoor Vertical garden.
Tiered hanging gardens
Hanging pot planters with multiple tiers allows you to plant more types of vegetation in a small space. For determinate bush-type tomatoes, hanging baskets are a good choice since they allow the tomato plant trail over the side of the vertical garden pots. Additionally, you can use upside-down planters as another way to make use of vertical garden space.
Arches or awnings
If your garden space is larger and contains arbors, archways, or pergolas, you can use these structures to hang your vertical garden planters or support vining plants that need extra support, like grapes or melons.
Freestanding setups:
Standalone setups like cages, teepee poles, trellises, and obelisks can be placed in your horizontal garden to provide existing plants a means of climbing support.
With composter vertical garden planter tower

A vertical gardening systems that works in an efficient way while building a vertical garden design and ease to maintain and movable tool at your home is Sadabahar (Our Portable Vertical garden) This kind of setup is made like a tower space design for a garden tower vertical container. It helps in fertilizer of each plant in a better way. Due to movable features you can transfer your vertical garden tower to favorable climatic conditions. This vertical garden tower is available in two different colors White and Orange. Grab the deal with in budget at Urban plants
Pictured on this page is a metal free standing vertical planter next to a wooden one. Where can one purchase the metal vertical planter? I keep trying to find it, but keep getting this picture only. Thanks for your help.
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