Fragrance Jasmine Varieties and Growing condition with Care Tips 

by Urban Plants


The jasmine plant is a source of exotic fragrance in heat climates. It is the most important scent in perfumes, and also has herbal properties. The plants may be bushes or vines and some are evergreen. Most of these jasmine plants are found in tropical to subtropical climates, although a few may thrive in temperate zones. 

Protecting Jasmine plants from cold temperatures is one of the most important aspects of jasmine plant care. Growing jasmine plants can create a perfumed shield over arbors, trellises and fences. The bush types are excellent landscape specimens with starry white, pink, ivory or even yellow scented blooms. 

What is Jasmine

Jasmine plant care must require a bit of effort, but the results are well worth the work. Not every jasmine plant is fragrant, but the most common and hardy do produce a sweet, carrying fragrance. 
Common jasmine is a vine, and has larger glossy green leaves than called Royal jasmine. Both can survive in moderate temperate climates if they are planted in a sheltered area. Arabian jasmine grows like a small bush with evergreen leaves. 
There are lots of jasmine varieties of jasmine plant, of which are best suited for subtropical climates. To Learning how to grow jasmine will add a striking visual and olfactory touch to the garden.

How to Grow Jasmine Plant


Choose a light, warm, sheltered location when growing jasmine. The jasmine vine varieties require a support structure as some can get 15 feet (4.5 m.) tall. 
All jasmine plants prefer sun to light and shade sites with well-draining and moderately fertile soil. 
Plant Jasmine plants in the ground at the same level it was growing in the nursery pot. Most jasmine plants are consider onto the common jasmine rootstock because of their superior hardiness. 

Jasmine Plant care

Jasmine plant care is not that much difficult but does require vigilance. The jasmine vines need to be trained early when they are young. Use plant ties or just weave them through trellis sections. 
Fertilize the jasmine plant in spring just before new growth appears. 
Pinch off the tips of the jasmine vines in the second year to promote branching which will fill the trellis with bushy growth. 
The vining jasmine plant is prone to spider mites, which can be combated with horticultural oil or neem oil or any other organic fertilizer . 

Indoor Jasmine Flower information


Dwarf varieties of jasmine make excellent best suitable for houseplants. They require even humidity and a sunny location in the home. Jasmine Vines can also be brought into the home, and the height is easy to manage with pruning or pinching in the dormant season. Potted plants don’t have access to more nutrients, so they need fertilizing twice annually. 
Watch carefully for pests and water from the bottom to prevent spotting on the leaves. Your jasmine plant will flower in late summer from late spring. 

How to Grow Jasmine Plant 

Cultivating tip cuttings in spring and plant them for free. Dip the cutting jasmine vine into a rooting hormone and push the end into a soilless medium, such as peat. Must Keep the cutting slightly moist. Jasmine plant cuttings are preferred during June to October. Once rooted, follow general jasmine flower plant care instructions.

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