Complete Guidance of Calla Lily Bulbs Plantation and Care
What is Calla Lily?

Calla lily is one of the best summer plants to grow. It is a very beautiful and attractive Lily plant. They are different coloured flowers such as white ,yellow, orange, pink etc.
Calla lily is a native of South Africa so basically if planted in your region it requires full sunlight for some time.
When to plant Calla Lily bulbs?
Calla lilies should be planted in January and February because it requires approx 15 degree Celsius to 20 degree celsius temperature for germination so starting months of the Year are most suitable for planting calla bulbs .
How to plant Lily bulbs?

The bulbs should be of large size and have some sproutings. The size of the flower depends on the size of bulbs so large size bulbs are used for planting. This plant need moderate temperature for its germination so should be planted between March to November but according to the climatic conditions in various places the planting time may be different. The pointed side of the bulb should be kept to the upward side and the base of the bulb should be kept downward. The pointed side of the bulb should be avoided to be covered with soil while planting.
Do you know about the existence of pink Calla Lily?
Calla Lily blooms different coloured flowers among which pink is one of the common and mostly found coloured flowers. Pink Lily are beautiful flowers. They are propagated through a bulb.
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