Best Petunia Indoor Plants with Care Tips

by Urban Plants

Growing petunia Indoor Plants can offer long term color in the summer landscape and brighten dreary borders with lovely pastel colors. Proper petunia Indoor Plants care is simple and easy. After learning how to plant petunias you can include them in your flower bed and container garden. Four species of petunias include hundreds of cultivars and offer a perfect addition to the home landscape: 

Grandiflora petunia Indoor Plants are the most common type of growing petunias. This species features 3 to 4 inch (8-10 cm.) blooms which often grow upright but may spill over the side of your container or window box. 

Multiflora petunia Indoor Plants have smaller flowers and a more abundant bloom. 

Milliflora petunia Indoor Plants are miniature versions of growing petunias; they are compact and re blooming.

Spreading petunia Indoor Plants are only 6 inches (15 cm) tall and can rapidly cover a selected area to function as a blooming ground cover.

Care of Petunia Indoor Plants

Care of Petunia Indoor Plants includes regular watering and as much sunlight as possible to promote multiple blooms. Spreading ground cover petunias are pickiest about water; weekly watering should be included in the care of petunias. While petunias will grow in a partially shaded location, a fuller and more abundant bloom is produced in full sun. Soil prepared before planting petunias should have well-composted organic matter worked in. Care of petunias will include regular fertilization with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer designed for blooming plants. As they are heavy feeders, petunia care will also include weekly feedings. Proper light, water, and fertilization when caring for petunias will ensure a long season of beautiful blooms. Proper petunia care involves removing spent blooms and the seeds they may produce. When deadheading the growing petunias, remove the base of the flower to include seed removal. Petunias allowed to go to seed will slow or stop blooming.

Purchasing Petunia Indoor Plants

 Hundreds of cultivars of petunia Indoor Plants are available to the gardener for use in a range of garden designs. Double and single blooms offer a selection of solid and multi-colored flowers. When purchasing young petunias, choose plants with a compact form and unopened buds. Open blooms on the petunia are best removed after planting for a more abundant show in the future. Growing petunias is easy and rewarding. As you learn how to grow and plant petunias, you will never be at a loss for a beautiful bloom for a full sun area.

Where to buy Petunia 

Urban plants has a widest range of flower seeds, bulbs, pots, planters,  and 5000+ gardening inputs. You can buy petunia seeds from Urban Plants seeds collection. We provide all India free shipping.

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