Areca Palm Plant Indoor Care and Gardening Tips

by Urban Plants


Areca Palm Plant Indoor Care Urban plants
Areca Palm plant (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) is one of the most widely used palms for bright interiors. It features feathery, arching fronds, each with up to 100 leaflets. These big, bold Areca plants command attention. Keep reading to find out more about growing areca palm indoors. 



Areca Palm Indoor Benefits

A full-grown areca palm indoor plant is quite expensive, so they are usually purchased as small, tabletop plants. They add 6 to 10 inches about 15 to 25 cm of growth per year until they reach a mature height of 6 or 7 feet about 1.8 or 2.1 m. Areca palm plant is one of the few palms that can tolerate trimming without serious harm, making it possible to keep mature plants indoors for their full lifespan of up to 10 years. 
A key factor in successfully growing areca palm indoors is providing just the right amount of light. They need bright, indirect sunlight from a south- or west-facing window. The Areca leaves turn yellowish-green in direct sunlight. 

Areca Palm Care Indoor 

The areca palms indoor care isn’t difficult, but the plant won’t tolerate neglect. Water them often enough to keep the soil lightly moist in spring and summer, and allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings in fall and winter season. 
Fertilize areca palms with a time-release fertilizer in spring. This gives the plant most of the nutrients it requires for the entire season. The fronds benefit from a micronutrient spray in the summer season. You can use a liquid indoor fertilizer that contains micronutrients for this purpose. Make sure the product is labeled as safe for foliar feedings, and dilute it according to the instructions. Do not feed areca palm plants in fall and winter season.
Areca palm indoors need repotting every two to three years. The areca plant likes a tight container, and crowded roots help limit the size of the plant. The main reasons for repotting is to replace the potting soil and remove fertilizer salt deposits that build up in the soil and on the sides of the pot. Use an areca palm plant potting soil or a general purpose mix amended with a handful of clean builder’s sand. 
Take care to plant the palm in the new pot should be at the same depth as in the old pot. Planting it too deeply can cause damage and injury. The roots are brittle and tough, so don’t attempt to spread them out. After filling in around the roots with soil, press down with your hands to make sure the soil is tightly compacted packed. Eliminate air pockets by flooding the container with water and pressing down again. 
Now that you know how easy areca palm plant care is, why not head out to the local nursery or garden center and pick one of your own. Growing areca palm plant indoors will be well worth the trip with all that lush, beautiful foliage to brighten up the home.

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