13 Herbs That Grow From Division

by Samin Rizvi

Here is a list of the best Herbs that Grow from Division–A simple method of multiplying herbs instantly either for self-use or gifting.

If you want to multiply herbs quickly–Propagate them from cuttings, a less time-consuming and straightforward process than sowing seeds. But do you know what is even easier? Growing herbs from division.

Growing Herbs from Division

  • Moisten the soil and using a digging fork, carefully take out the entire plant from the pot. Remove excess soil from the rootball by gently tapping it. Be careful not to damage the root and its hair in the process.
  • Analyze how many buds or shoots are there in the root system, and then make a cut accordingly. For a healthy new plant, you need to have at least one shoot or bud per division.
  • Using a sanitized shear or knife, carefully separate the roots, making sure not to damage the rest of them.
  • Once you have taken out the division, snip away the attached top sets of foliage. This is an important process as the new division will no longer support the older growth, and will grow a new one of its own.
  • Using a fresh and quality potting mix, transplant the division into pots, water well, and keep them where they can get bright, indirect sunlight.

Herbs that Grow from Division

1. Catnip


Catnip is a common herb that belongs to the mint family. It offers light-green foliage and also grows lavender flowers. If you have a pet cat, this is a must-grow!


  • You can use its leaves and flowers to prepare tea.
  • Can be added to salads, soups, sauces, and savory dishes.

2. Chives

It is a perennial herb that belongs to the onion family. The easy to grow herb is rich in choline, folate, and Vitamin K. 


  • Its fresh leaves go well with baked potatoes, bread, and meat dishes.
  • Add it to the cream cheese spread for an enhanced taste.

3. Lemongrass

Lemongrass is commonly used as a delicious ingredient in many Asian cuisines, especially in Thailand. It makes for a good balcony plant if it receives warmth and full sun.


  • Add its fresh leaves to herbal tea.
  • Adds flavor to fish, soups, meat, curries, and broth. It is also used extensively in Thai dishes.

4. Horehound

Also known as white horehound, it is a member of the mint family. The herb is high in vitamins A, B, C, E and also works as an immune booster.


  • As the plant tastes like mint, you can add it to cocktails and candies.
  • Use its fresh leaves in herbal tea for an added flavor.

5. Mint

Botanical Name: Mentha

Sweet fragrance, sparkling flavor, stunning flowers, and multiple uses make mint a delightful addition to your herb garden!


  • Add its fresh leaves to teas, cold beverages, sweet and savory dishes, for a distinct taste and fragrance.
  • You can also add it to pannacotta, chutney, rice, popsicles, and grilled chicken.

6. Chamomile

Botanical Name: Matricaria chamomilla

Chamomile has a sweet, apple-like fragrance, and is best known for its use in tea to calm nerves. You can also use its flowers in warm water while taking a bath.


  • It tastes great in fish salad, risotto, cakes, creams, and biscuits.
  • You can also use it for dressings.

7. Lovage

Botanical Name: Levisticum officinale

The taste of this undervalued and old-fashioned perennial herb resembles celery and parsley. Its dried seeds and leaves are also used as a spice.


  • Both the leaves and stems can be used to flavor soups, stews, and poultry dishes.
  • It also adds a distinct flavor to vinegar and pickles. You can also use it with garlic or tomato sauce.

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