Yellow hibiscus plant care and repotting

by Sadabahar Greens Pvt. Ltd.


Yellow hibiscus pruning Urban Plants Hardy hibiscus benefit from annual winter pruning once they are established. Cutting the plant back after flowering, especially dead, damaged, and diseased branches and old wood growing in the center of the plant can aid air circulation and keep the plant looking tidy. Don't worry if you cut back aggressively; this species can handle it.

How to propagate hibiscus plants ? 

Most hibiscus propagation is from cuttings. Select a four- to six-inch piece stem from new, vigorous growth. Keep the leaves at the top of the stem but remove all the rest. You might want to dip the cut end in rooting hormone before potting in a well-drained, moist potting soil. It can take a couple of months for the root system to fully develop.

Potting and Repotting Hibiscus

Avoid deep pots, otherwise the plant will spend a lot of its energy on root development, and you want it to focus on flower production.
Growing hibiscus in a pot . 

Common Pests

Hibiscus are not bothered by many pests or diseases, but red spider mites can be problematic when humidity levels are not high enough. Hibiscus diseases like anAphids are sometimes an issue too, but they can be kept at bay with regular cleaning or insecticidal soaps.

How to Get Hibiscus to Bloom

Yellow hibiscus Urban plants The exotic flowers on a hibiscus bloom  are short-lived, lasting from just one to three days. But if you have a healthy plant, they should produce many flowers through their growing season from late spring through fall.
To prevent flower drop, make sure the plant is not being exposed to temperatures that are too hot or too cold. Frost is a problem, even for hardy varieties, and prolonged temperatures above 85 degrees Fahrenheit will cause flowering problems even for tropical hibiscus.
Deadheading isn't necessary, but bloom production can be impacted if your plant is overly dry or is not receiving enough nutrients or sunlight.

Common Problems With Hibiscus

Hibiscus are rather particular about conditions, and if you can't meet their requirements, there are some common problems to watch out for.

Yellow Foliage

If you see your plant's leaves turning yellow, it could be that you are subjecting it to sudden changes in weather conditions, not watering correctly, or not fertilizing often enough. Expect a little yellowing during the transitional seasons of spring and fall, but anything extreme merits further investigation.

Dropping of Buds

Extremes in temperature, not enough light or humidity, and over or under watering can cause bud drop.

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