What is Yard Waste and Leaf waste

Residents can purchase a backyard compost kit and leave grass clippings on the lawn to decrease the amount of leaf and yard waste placed at the curb. These simple actions make a difference in the City’s sustainability and Environmental Master Plan and Collection
Leaf and yard waste is collected seasonally and waste must be bundled, bagged or set out in waste containers (without lids) marked "Yard Waste".
Acceptable compost bags, bundles and compost bins, Kraft paper bags designed for leaf and yard waste material
Designated open-top rigid containers such as regulation sized garbage containers marked 'Leaf and Yard Waste'
Individual branches must be a maximum of 10 centimetres (four inches) in diameter
Branches must be tied with string (no wire) in secure bundles maximum 2 metres (five feet) in length and half metre (two feet) in diameter.
Unacceptable containers
- Plastic bags
- Cardboard boxes
- Green bins
- Oversized rigid containers
- Recycling blue boxes
- Rigid containers with lids
- Bundles tied with wire
What goes in yard waste ?
Trees and plants
- Leaves
- Branches
- Twigs
- Vegetable garden waste
- Flowers and plants
- Shrubs
- Weeds
- Seasonal decor
- Pumpkins
- Straw
- Cornstalks
Unacceptable leaf and yard waste materials
- Stumps and root balls
- Soil, rocks, or stones
- Grasscycling
Leave grass clippings on the lawn after a fresh cut to allow them to break down naturally.
To maintain yard waste and leaf waste the best waste management tool is Vertical Garden tower with composter it works effectively in both planting and composting.

A vertical gardening systems that works in an efficiently while preparing and serving the compost to plants Sadabahar (Our Portable Vertical garden) the most sustainable and effective composter available in Urban plants Grab the deal with in budget at Urban plants.
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