West Indian Jasmine plant propagation

The best way to propagate Ixora is with cuttings, preferably taken in spring when the plant is actively growing. This plant is hardy and tolerates aggressive trimming, so it’s usually easy to get the cuttings themselves.
To take a cutting, prepare a clean pot and add a soilless potting mix. We use these mixes because they drain better than regular soil and don’t have the kinds of pathogens that might kill your cutting before you can plant it. A pot about 6 inches deep should work fine for Ixora.
Next, find a non-woody stem on your plant to cut. New growths tend to root easier than older ones – this is why cuttings should be taken during the spring. Try to find a node along the stem. Nodes are bumps where leaves or flower buds attach. New roots can emerge from there.
West Indian Jasmine plant uses

West Indian Jasmine has several practical uses. Its primary use in most areas is as a hedge or outdoor screen. Some people also use it along with foundations or in landscaping projects. While you can plant cuttings alone, indoors, or out, most people put at least several of these in a row when growing outdoors.
If possible, try to ensure you get seeds or cuttings from the same original plants. Otherwise, you might get some distracting variation in flower colors.
This plant also has some uses in traditional medicine, especially in the southeastern parts of Asia. Research proves that products made from Ixora have anti-neutrophil abilities. For those who aren’t familiar with the term, neutrophils are a type of white blood cell.
While we don’t want to get rid of white blood cells permanently, inhibiting them for a little while can help treat some reactions and disorders, especially near the skin.
Parts of the plant may also be used as astringents, appetite stimulants, or general anti-inflammatory treatment.
Finally, the small fruits are edible. They’re about 10mm wide when ripe and mostly tasteless. Ixora doesn’t grow many berries at once, so you’ll need to plant quite a few of them if you want to eat or use the berries regularly.
Growing Ixora in Greenhouses
Bushes with Red Flowers in GreenhouseIf you have access to a greenhouse, you can propagate Ixora any time of year.
You can propagate Ixora at any time of year if you’re using a greenhouse configured for tropical climates. This may be the only way to grow it in colder climates. However, make sure your greenhouse still gets enough sunlight to make your plants happy.
Ixora is not suitable for growing in far northern climates, regardless of the temperature. If you don’t get at least 6 hours of sunlight throughout the year, the warm temperatures won’t be enough to make them bloom.
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