Types and quality of seeds

by Sadabahar Greens Pvt. Ltd.

Seeds are basic unit in growth and development of your plants it’s quality and knowledge should be the utmost interest of a budding gardener. A quality seeds ensures a gardener of reaping the effort that you put in to make your garden.

A quality seeds not only ensures ensure uniform growth and maturity but also give desired plant population along with development of root system as it absorption of nutrients efficiently.

Seed quality characters-

  • Genetic purity-It is the most important character of seed that its genetic makeup should resemble with the parent body as this will cover a lot of essential elements required in development of plant.


  • Physical quality- The seeds should remain free from any undesired element like- diseased seed, dirt and dust along with proper processing i.e, grading.


  • Physiological quality- This includes seed germination and vigor. The ability of seeds to produce seedlings under normal condition with normal root and shoot is known as germ inability. While seed vigor determines the performance of seed during seedling emergence.


  • Seed Health- Seeds should not face any fungal and pest infestation as this will have a direct effect on physical and physiological purity of seeds



  • Types of seeds-

    There are three different types of seeds mainly, each type has got its characteristics-

    • Open pollinated seeds- It occur naturally in nature by any natural agent including birds, insect or even the wind pollinated plants. They have got several advantages as you can save seeds and plant them in next season also open pollinated vegetable seeds have superior flavor. 
    • Hybrid seeds- They are formed from the cross pollination b/w two type of similar plants. They generally offer good growth and higher yield. Hybrid seeds are unstable and cannot be used in following years. 
    • GMO seeds- Genetically modified seeds are developed in lab using modern technologies. The main objective is to create a pest resistant plants, in this process crosses are made between a bacteria and plant. They are used extensively in organic farming.

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