Top 5 Indoor Plants That Bring Wealth, Happiness And Prosperity
It's easy to get stressed when you're stuck in the office, stuck in traffic, or stuck in your apartment. That's why it's important to bring some positive energy into your life by bringing plants into space. There are so many different kinds of plants that have different colors and textures that can be added to your living space. Some plants give off a calming effect, while others can even help with your allergies.

If you're feeling tired, stressed, or just not in the mood to take on the day, a plant can help give you a little boost. Not only are plants great for the air quality in your home, but they also make it easy to find a little peace and quiet. Take a look at these indoor plants that are great for giving you positive energy.
Peace lily –
A peace lily is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for houseplant that will bring happiness to your home. These plants are known for their large, colorful blooms that can last up to six weeks. You can place many of these around your space -- indoors, outdoors, balconies, entryways, and all. Peace lilies have a calming effect on the home. They are known to help with insomnia, stress, and anxiety. If you are feeling anxious or stressed, try planting some peace lilies in your home. They will help you relax and unwind.
Spider plant –
Spider plants are one of the top indoor plants for a number of reasons. These plants are easy to care for, have a long lifespan, and can fill any space with their vibrant foliage.
Jade Plant-
One of our favorite plants, jade in Vastu is known to bring lots of good luck and positive energy and vibration all around. The plant also makes an excellent housewarming gift.
Lucky Bamboo Plant
This plant which gives health, prosperity and luck should be placed in the east or north-east corner of your office. It, too, is characterized by an odd number of stems; So the more, the better:
Three stalks represent longevity, happiness and wealth.
Five stalks represent affluent.
Seven stalks represent excellent healthiness,
The nine stalks represent luck, or the 21-stalked plant receives super-powerful blessings in all these categories.
Rubber Plant
Rubber plants are referred to as luxury plants. They are believed to attract prosperity, luck and wealth. In feng shui, round leaves are believed to represent money and wealth.
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