Requirements to set up a vertical garden on a balcony

Now that you’ve gone through the below needs you know your balcony is the perfect space for a balcony vertical garden This is the ideal time to walk through exactly what you’ll need to set up a modern vertical garden.
Choose the right location
You may have the perfect space to build your green wall, but if it never sees the sunlight, your plants won’t be able to survive. Unless your vertical gardening systems are moveable, choose a location that will get adequate sunlight.
Consider the climate

Before you set up your vertical gardening systems , consider the environment your plants will be exposed to.
You may either notice you don’t need to look at your vertical garden watering system as much or may see that your plants are overwatered. If your balcony is not covered and receives a lot of direct sunlight you may notice it is too hot for your garden, and you may need to purchase an awning to provide some shade, and relief, for your vertical garden plants.
If you have pets who frequent your balcony, they may be attracted to your balcony. You may need a raised balcony vertical garden to discourage pets from digging in your plants.
Pests can be an issue, depending on the location of your balcony vertical garden. If you’re located on the ground floor, pests will easily access your balcony vertical garden. If you live in a high-rise, bugs will have a harder time reaching your modern vertical garden. Some plants are natural bug repellents, such as marigold or citronella suitable for your outdoor vertical garden.
With composter vertical garden planter tower

A vertical gardening systems that works in an efficient way while building a vertical garden design and ease to maintain and movable tool at your home is Sadabahar (Our Portable Vertical garden) This kind of setup is made like a tower space design for a garden tower vertical container. It helps in fertilizer of each plant in a better way. Due to movable features you can transfer your vertical garden tower to favorable climatic conditions. This vertical garden tower is available in two different colors White and Orange. Grab the deal with in budget at Urban plants
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