Preparation of a Municipal Solid Waste Management

MSWM is essentially a municipal function, and it is mandatory for all municipal authorities to provide this service efficiently to keep the cities and towns clean, process the waste, and dispose of the residual Municipal Solid Waste in an environmentally acceptable manner. In line with that, ULBs should systematically develop their Municipal Solid Waste Management systems including carefully accessing their requirements of tools, vehicles, equipment, and processing and disposal facilities in a way and at a pace that is locally doable, meets the long term needs of the ULB, and is also financially sustainable.
Step 1: Programmes and Legal Framework and their process.
Step 1 entails a detailed review and analysis of national, state, and municipal laws, policies, rules,programmes, and guidance that are related to MSWM. The ULB shall prepare a list of all mandatory and recommendatory actions as per the Municipal Solid Waste (M&H) Rules, 2000; Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016; the NUSP; the service level benchmarks (SLB) for Municipal Solid Waste service.
Step 2: Assessment of Current Situation and Gap Analysis
The municipal authority should carry out a
critical assessment of the current status of SWM in the city as per state, national, and local level rules, policies, and strategies for Municipal Solid Waste Management governing the ULBs.
Step 3: Stakeholder Consultation Plan for Municipal solid waste management
Due to the number of institutions and stakeholders involved in Municipal Solid Waste Management, it is important that the MSWM plan, which aims to bridge the gaps or improve the level of service, is developed through a consultative process. Stakeholders’ views and their willingness to participate and pay for the service are also to be considered waste management.
Step 4: Preparation Municipal solid waste management Plan

Considering the identified gaps, future population projections and waste generation rates, current and future quality and quantity of
waste inputs from the stakeholders, financial situation, and technical capabilities of the ULBs, the municipal waste management authority should prepare its draft short term and long term Municipal Solid Waste Management plan.
Step 5: Schedule for Implementation
The municipal solid waste management authority should specify needs for institutional strengthening and financing. Subsequently, an operational plan should be prepared as an integral part of the Municipal Solid Waste Management plan. An implementation municipal plan, indicating allocation of resources and specifying timelines, should be prepared as per norms.
Step 6: Stakeholder Consultation Plan Validation for Municipal solid waste management
Provision of effective Solid Waste Management services is substantially dependent on community behavior and practices. Therefore, citizens and stakeholders should be made aware of the plans and consulted before finalization of the Municipal Solid Waste Management plan.
Step 7: Municipal Council Approval

The final Municipal Solid Waste Management plan is to be presented to the elected body of the local authority to seek approval and to officially formalize the plan. Council should be made aware of the short term and long term actions to be taken and should also approve the financial plan and necessary institutional strengthening for implementation of these municipal solid waste management actions.
After completing the seven steps, start maintaining waste management through composting at your commercial and residential places through Sadabahar composter vertical garden planter tower. The best feature of it is self fertilizing with inbuilt composter attached with planter that is available at Urban plants.
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