Plantation Guidelines for Hoya plant and Care Tips

by Sadabahar Greens Pvt. Ltd.

Hoya plant care Urban plants Hoya have been popular houseplants since their discovery over 200 years ago, but their popularity has risen again in recent years, owing to an increase in the desire for decorative plants. Because of the waxy appearance of the blooms while in bloom, Hoya is also known as wax plants.
It also emphasises their general care needs, albeit, as with all plants, exact care will vary depending on the species and the environment you can supply.
Flowers aren't always a given, therefore I'm more interested in the leaves. It's an added bonus if a Hoya flowers! If the flowers are fertilised successfully, plumed seeds form, an adaptation that allows seeds to spread far on the wind.


Several Hoya species tolerate mild indirect light; they are often the species with larger and darker leaves, which allow them to make better use of the available light. However, tolerance is the key word here, as this isn't perfect lighting! If you want to give your Hoya the best chance of reaching their maximum potential, you should provide them with bright indirect light.
If you see slow growth and a widening of the internodal gap between leaves, your Hoya is definitely in need of more light, so transfer it somewhere brighter.


Hoya plant Urban plants Overwatering causes Hoya to wilt. Epiphytic Hoyas have roots that are typically only lightly covered by substrate, if at all, and are firmly attached within cracks and crevices within tree bark, where rain from tropical downpours is easily accessed by the roots before being wicked away through the heat of the day, while humidity remains high.
Don't be tempted to repot your Hoya too often; they'll be perfectly happy in their pot for several years, if not longer! Remember, the bulk of plants grow in tree bark cracks! There will be less surplus potting material in the pot if there are more roots in the pot, which means there will be less possibility of overwatering.


Hoyas have evolved to thrive in humid surroundings, so attempt to recreate this in your own house if at all feasible. The increased humidity encourages the growth of adventitious roots, which can eventually adhere to any supports, such as a trellis, providing the plant greater support and allowing leaf size to expand.


Hoya really aren’t too fussy when it comes to temperature, if your home is comfortable for you, then it’s likely your hoya will be perfectly fine. Just ensure during colder months you keep them away from any cold and drafty windows

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