Municipal Solid Waste Rules 2000 and revised SWM Rules 2016

Solid Waste Management Rules
The MoEFCC revised the Municipal Solid Waste (M&H) Rules, 2000; and the revised and renamed SWM Rules 2016 reflect new systems, technology developments, and concepts for an integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management. In particular, the SWM Rules cover the following aspects:
- list of authorities involved in Municipal Solid Waste Management and their corresponding duties;
- mandatory Municipal Solid Waste Management policy in India and strategy to be prepared by the state or the union territory;
- mandatory Municipal Solid Waste Management plans to be prepared by the municipal authority
- specific requirements for the Municipal Solid Waste Management including waste segregation into dry waste and dry waste as well as restriction on material to be disposed in landfills (only non-reactive, inert, and pre-treated waste may be disposed);
- levy of service fees by the municipal authority to make this service sustainable waste management
- Requirements for landfill sites including site selection and mandatory lining system in India
- requirement of environmental clearances for setting up Municipal Solid Waste processing and disposal facilities including landfills
- standards for composting at residential and commercial places
- standards of treated leachate from leachate.
- emission standards for incineration facilities and
- mandatory annual reporting by the municipal authority on Municipal Solid Waste operations.
- Municipal authorities and all stakeholders must carefully go through the above provisions of the SWM Rules 2016 and make concerted efforts to improve Solid waste management systems and services accordingly.
- Another mandatory in Solid Waste management in India is maintaining a composting bin for compost through the waste segregation guidelines at commercial and residential places.
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Waste management
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