Limited Space Balcony Vertical gardening Ideas

There are certain species of plants that are delicate and will not survive extreme temperatures if you live in a climate where the temperature drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit and stays below freezing temperatures you may need to cover your plants with burlap or take your vertical garden plants inside.
Building rules
Some landlords restrict the use of vertical gardening systems or may have condo rules applicable. Make sure to do your research and make sure you have permission before setting up a vertical garden on your balcony.
Protection from the elements
Rain, snow, sleet, or sun before you begin your outdoor vertical garden consider whether or not your plants will be able to brave the elements. If you find your balcony vertical garden gets a lot of wind, your pants will be affected by the wind too.
Working in containers

Since you won’t be planting directly into the ground, it’s important to factor in root size and plant size. Some plants can grow quite large and may become too large for the pots. If this is the case, you may eventually be required to replant them in the ground to allow the roots to expand in containers.
Limited space
Depending on the size of vertical garden design you’re after, you’ll need to think of the space required. Your balcony will need to have enough space to set up a balcony vertical garden as well as have enough space for you to access the garden to nurture and maintain it.
Access to outdoor sunlight:
The amount of sunlight your plant will need depends on the type and species and requirements. Some indoor vertical garden plants thrive in direct sunlight while others flourish in the shade. It’s important to consider how much sunlight your balcony garden gets daily and whether your plants will need to be East or West facing.
With composter vertical garden planter tower

A vertical gardening systems that works in an efficient way while building a vertical garden design and ease to maintain and movable tool at your home is Sadabahar (Our Portable Vertical garden) This kind of setup is made like a tower space design for a garden tower vertical container. It helps in fertilizer of each plant in a better way. Due to movable features you can transfer your vertical garden tower to favorable climatic conditions. This vertical garden tower is available in two different colors White and Orange. Grab the deal with in budget at Urban plants
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