Good luck jade plant care and maintainance

How to Care for a Jade Plant
Learning about the care and maintenance of jade plants (Crassula ovata) is easy. The most important factors to consider when growing jade houseplants are water, light, temperature, and fertilizer.
Watering a Jade Plant
One of the most important things when you care for plants is to make sure that they are watered properly. Never let a jade plant dry out completely. Also, do not water a jade plant too often, as this can cause root rot. Don’t water your jade plant on a schedule. Rather, water your jade plant when the top of the soil is just dry to the touch. If your jade plant is losing leaves or has leaf spots, this is most commonly caused by too little water.
Sunlight Requirements
Another important aspect of the jade plant care and maintenance of plants is how much sun they receive. They need full sun in order to grow properly. If they do not have full sun, they may become stunted and leggy.
Proper Temperature
Plant care instructions say that plants do best in day temperature of 65 to 75 degrees F. (18-24 C.) during the day and 50 to 55 degrees F. (10-13 C.) at night. That being said, if they get lots of sunlight, they will do fine in temperatures that are higher than this.
Fertilizing Your Jade Plant
For proper plant care, fertilize your plant about once every six months. Use a balanced water-soluble fertilizer. An important thing to keep in mind is that you should water your jade plant in the regular way and then water it with the fertilizer water. Never fertilize your jade plant when the soil is dry, as this will damage the roots. As you can see, how to care for a jade plant is pretty simple. With a little TLC and proper plant care, your pretty plant might one day become a pretty jade tree.
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