Indian Environmental Protection Act For Mandatory waste management

Environmental Act for Waste Management
This Environmental protection Act for waste management was enacted in 1986, and it aims to establish a sufficient protection system. This Act confers powers to the Central Government of India to regulate all forms of waste. It is one of the primary legislatures to protect the environment and regulation of waste management. Some of the important provisions of this environment protection Act is given as under-
Section 7 of this Act places a principal prohibition on harming the environment by stating that no person carrying any activity of waste management should emit or discharge environmental pollutants in excess of the prescribed standards.
Section 9 of the Act states that if any event takes place which harms the environment through any foreseen or unforeseen event, the person responsible for the harm is duty bound to prevent or alleviate the waste pollutant, discharged as a result of such event. The person is also obliged to inform the proper authorities about the event which may harm the environment in India.
Polluter Pays Principle: Section 9 (3) of the Act embodies the “Polluter Pays Principle” which states that any expense which has been incurred to restore the environment to its natural state shall be paid by the person who is responsible for such bio degradation. This concept of a continuing punishment is very important for waste management.
The Environmental Act also contains provisions which remove the corporate veil. In case any environmental offense was committed by a company, with the connivance or consent of any manager, director, secretary or any other officer of the company, they’ll be held personally liable for committing offenses in the name of the company.
Environmental Protection Rules: Commonly known as the Environmental Protection Rules, 1986, these rules were formulated by the government under the power conferred to them by the Environmental Protection Act from Indian Penal code for implementing Waste management system. Through these powers, the government of India has the authority to give specific directions, without changing the principal Act.
The Environment Protection Act
The Environment Protection Act was enacted in 1986 to protect and improve the environment. The rules made under the Act mandate industrial units and corporations to act in a responsible manner to protect the environment, ensure the location and functioning of industries, and deal with waste generation. Various rules have been notified to govern the prevention, minimization, reuse, and recycling of waste in sectors such as municipal solid waste, industrial waste, agricultural waste, and hazardous waste
Hazardous waste
means any waste that, by virtue of such characteristics as physical, chemical, biological, reactive, toxic, inflammable, explosive, or corrosive, causes or is likely to cause a hazard to health or the environment.
Bio-medical waste
means any waste that is generated during the diagnosis, treatment, or vaccination of human beings or animals, during research activities related thereto, or during the production or testing of biological or health products.
Solid waste
means and includes solid or semi-solid domestic waste, sanitary waste, commercial waste, institutional waste, catering and market waste, and other non-residential waste; street cleaning, desilting from surface drains, horticulture waste, agriculture, and dairy are included. Waste.
Plastic waste
refers to any plastic that has been discarded after use or after its intended use has been exhausted.
All of which are waste generators
Every household that generates waste such as discarded paint and pesticide cans, disposable diapers and sanitary pads (sanitary waste), discarded medicines, broken mercury thermometers, used needles and syringes (bio-medical waste) , event organizers, industrial units, factories, plants . Corporates, multi-storied buildings 5000 Sq. Gated Communities Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs) and Market Associations Hotels and Restaurants with area above mts.
The polluter pays principle:
The 'polluter pays' principle is the generally accepted practice that those who produce pollution should bear the cost of managing it to avoid harm to human health or the environment.
What is the polluter pays principle in Indian law?
Image results for polluter pays principle:
The polluter pays principle means that the person causing the pollution should be held liable to pay for the damage caused to the environment and people. In India, polluter pays is considered an important and inherent part of environmental law and has been invoked in many cases to provide justice.
Environmental Protection Rules
Environmental law works to protect the land, air, water and soil. Failure to comply with these laws results in various punishments such as fines, community service and in some extreme cases, prison terms. Without these environmental laws, the government would not be able to punish those who mistreat the environment.
The main objective of environmental protection is to stop the degradation of the natural environment which is affected by increasing population, technology and over-consumption, all of which have negatively impacted the environment and continue to endanger humans and animals
Waste Management
Waste management is the process of collecting, transporting, processing, recycling, or disposing of waste materials in an efficient and safe manner. The primary goal of waste management is to minimize the negative impact of waste on the environment and public health.
Waste management can be divided into several different activities, including:
Waste Collection: The process of gathering waste materials from homes, businesses, and other sources for proper disposal.
Transportation: The process of transporting waste materials from collection sites to facilities where they can be processed or disposed of.
Processing: The process of treating waste materials to reduce their volume, hazardous properties, or to recover valuable resources.
Recycling: The process of converting waste materials into new products or using them as raw materials for new products.
Disposal: The process of safely disposing of waste materials that cannot be recycled or processed.
Waste management practices vary around the world, depending on local laws, regulations, and cultural attitudes towards waste. Effective waste management requires the participation of individuals, businesses, and government agencies, working together to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste materials.

The major feature that we can escape from these punishments is waste management through composting at your commercial and residential places. For sustainable waste management in India use Sadabahar composter vertical garden planter tower will help the best feature of it is self fertilizing with inbuilt composter attached with planter that is available at Urban plants.
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