How To Manage Garden Wastes?

Garden waste, also known as yard waste, is a biogenic type of waste collected during the municipal garden maintenance activities, such as trimming, pruning, cleaning of the green plots, and cultivated grounds. It often consists of twigs, clippings, sticks, and multiple organic products. Its composition can differ importantly depending on the season, method of the collection of waste, as well as location. Since it contains a significant amount of organic matter, its sustainable management is becoming most important.
With climate change awareness gaining the right attention all over the world, municipalities are searching for new composting methods of dealing with the garden wastes that will not only allow its safe disposal but also create a strong environmental and economic impact. For that purpose, Garden waste is a unique and abundant form of feedstock collected in almost every municipality of India.
Convert Garden Waste into Compost
Your garden waste is not actually a waste its a raw material for making a quality compost which is the most important aspect of gardening. The more garden waste means the more amount of compost for your plants.
1. Select an area where to always collect all your garden wastes at one place. The suitable place for composting is the backyard or a corner of the garden.
2. First of all make layer with the brown leaves and twigs of the trees. To increase the process of composting always make sure to put all materials in small size.
3. Then you can add your kitchen wet wastes and the green grasses or plants from garden.
4. Add some amount of soil to increase microbes activity in composting.
5. Turn the compost periodically with the help of gardening tools.
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6. After 2-3 months your compost is ready for application.
Advantages of preparing compost from garden wastes
1. If you are preparing compost from garden wastes then you are not only feeding your plants but also contributing in environment balance, as you are using garden and kitchen wastes to make compost and again apply it into the garden.
2. Compost increases the soil humus which is very important for microbes of soil that helps in decomposing the matters into soil again.
3.By using garden wastes into making compost your overall amount of household wastes are also reduced.
4. By making compost at home you saves money and your garden also looks clean and beautiful.
Composter vertical garden planter tower

A vertical gardening systems that works in an efficient Sadabahar (Our Portable Vertical garden) It helps in fertilizing the garden waste of each plant in a better way. Due to movable features, you can transfer your vertical garden tower to favorable climatic conditions. This vertical garden tower is available in two different colors White and Orange. Grab the deal within budget at Urban plants
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