How To Grow Lantana – Information On Growing Lantana

by Sadabahar Greens Pvt. Ltd.

Lantana Plant Urban plants Growing and caring for lantana (Lantana camara) is easy. These verbena flowers have long been praised for their long flowering time. There are many variations that offer many colors. Depending on the region and type of cultivation, lanthanum plants can be considered perennials per year. Plant lanthanum flowers in the garden or in pots. The varieties that follow can still be planted in hanging baskets. Lantana are also a great choice for those who like to lure butterflies and hummingbirds into the garden.

How to grow lantana flowers 

Lantana Plant Care Urban plants Growing lantana in the garden is a great way to add color and interest. Just choose a sunny place and plant in well-drained soil. Although these plants are tolerant to many soil conditions, lanthanum flowers prefer relatively acidic soils. Needle mulching is a quick way to increase soil acidity.
Lantana are planted in the spring, when the threat of cold weather and frost disappears. Keep in mind, however, that they like to keep warm temperatures so that the new addition is slowly visible. However, as they warm up, they will grow abundantly. 
It is also used for Lantana landscaping

Lantana Plant Care 

While newly planted lantana camara plant require constant watering once they settle, these plants require little maintenance and even withstand relatively dry conditions. In fact, a good shower should cheer her up once a week. 
Although not necessary, lanthanum plants can receive a light dose of fertilizer each spring, but too much can disrupt their overall flowering. To promote change, cut off the dead center points at all times. Surplus plants gain new life by cutting off a third of their growth. He'll be back soon. Regular pruning of the plant usually occurs in the spring. 

Common problems with lanthanum cultivation

Although lanthanum does not affect too many problems, you may occasionally encounter them. If the plant does not get enough light, mildew can be a problem. In addition, the plant can damage the root if it is constantly wet. Soot mildew is a condition that causes the leaves to darken and is often caused by insects such as moths. Other common shades that affect lanthanum plants include bugs, which cause the leaves to turn gray or brown and then fall off. 

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