Guava fruit trees Propagation Tips and plant care

Guava tree fruit are tropical to subtropical and may achieve 20 feet about 6 m in height. Growing guava plant requires cold protection, and is not suitable outdoors in most zones of the United States. Dwarf Guava plants must have shelter from freezing winds, even in sunny warm climates where occasional icy temperatures occur.
The guava tree fruit grows on a small tree with a wide, short canopy and a sturdy single- to multi-stemmed trunk. The guava tree is an interesting plant with mottled greenish bark and long 3- to 7-inch about 7.5 to 18 cm serrated leaves.
Guava fruit tree Propagation

Guava seeds can remain viable for a long time span. Soak your guava seeds in warm water for at least 24 hours before planting, although you can leave them in the water for up to a week if you need to. Guava Seeds should be planted in moist, warm soil and kept damp throughout germination. This is the most reliable method of propagation if you only have one variety of Guava plants. If you’re growing multiple cultivars and cuttings are best.
Guava Root cuttings are the next option for propagation. At least 2 to 3 feet from the tree, cut off a section of root that’s at least 5 inches in length. Place it in a warm, damp soil mix and keep it moist. New shoots should start appearing within 3 to 4 weeks.
Half-hard cuttings from branches can also be rooted. Remove a ring of Guava tree wood bark at the cutting’s base and apply rooting hormone before planting. These should also be kept humid and warm.
In addition to growing from seed, guava plants can be propagated through softwood cuttings. Cut a 4 to 6 inches length of young, flexible stem, then remove all but the top two leaves. Dip the cut end into rooting hormone, then plant it in moistened potting mix.
Cover the pot with clear plastic, propping it up, if necessary, to keep the plastic sheet above the leaves. Place the guava plant in pot in a sunny location where temperatures remain between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. When new growth begins to appear on the cutting (it can take two to three weeks), it means that roots have started to form. Remove the plastic at this time, and water regularly as the cutting begins to grow.
As the young guava plant outgrows its pot, transplant it into a large pot, as needed. Guava plants will do best if you grow them in a humid location, but not in blistering heat. It can be moved outdoors to a patio when the heat of summer arrives and steady temperatures above 75 degrees.
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