Growing conditions for Sapota in a containers

by Sadabahar Greens Pvt. Ltd.

Sapota tree in containers Urban plants To plant the Sapodilla tree(sapota tree) , select a healthy tree from a nearby nursery that looks insect free and strong. Select a large pot for this. In the container, make a hole equal to 3 times the length of the root ball. Make the Sapota tree straight in the center and Push down on the dirt slightly to fill the hole. After dirt fills a thin layer of compost, then it works as a fertilizer and mulch for the young sapota tree. Then fill the surrounding soil mix on the root ball. Choose the full sunlight place of the pot. Its plant requires about 6 to 8 hours of sunlight.
Water the roots after planting the sapota plant, save tree trunk and plant leaves from wetting. Also, the water of the plant completely dries out, otherwise, there is a root of the rot. Give water to every other day for 2 weeks, and then water the plants once or twice a month for 3 months. Provide extra water in the dry period like summer season. After this, add fertilizer to the young sapota plants, whether you wish to give fruit according to the instructions given in the compost.

Fertilizer used in growing Sapota plant in containers 

It is recommended that you fertilize at the same time as you water using a time-released fertilizer 8-3-9 or similar to help your Sapota plant grow and produce a substantial crop. These Sapota plants are moderate feeders and require multiple feeding during the growing season. It is very important to follow the fertilizers labeled instructions as to not burn or kill the sapota tree.

Pests and diseases affect Sapota plants

Sapota plants are almost insect resistant but it is compulsory to save them from the cold. There are some insects that trouble sapota such as Caterpillars, Banana spotting bugs. This problem can be tackled by pesticide spraying and there are no major diseases of Sapota, the rust of a leaf, which causes the small leaves to be destroyed.

Harvesting techniques of Sapota

Sapota plan in containers Urban plants Sapota tree is difficult to say that seeing cropped, that crop is ready for the time of harvest. However, the maturity of the sapota crop is about 8 to 10 weeks. To know the maturity of the sapota crop scratch the skin, the pulp color should be brown like cinnamon. Sapota fruit should be kept at room temperature for 5 to 10 days to ripen sapodillas. The fruit must be eaten when it is slightly firm, not mushy. The fruits can be kept in the fridge for one week.

Conclusion of growing Sapota in containers

You may apply the above information for growing chikoo plants on terrace, growing chikoo fruit in backyard, growing chikoo fruit in balcony, growing chikoo fruit outdoors, growing chikoo fruit indoors and growing chikoo fruit in polyhouse. 

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