Gardening Strawberry Fruit Plantation At Home

Strawberries are a delicious addition to any garden and provide a sweet treat the entire summer. In fact, one plant started in June can produce up to a hundred and twenty new strawberry plants in one season.
Growing strawberry fruit plants is rewarding. Read on for specific tips on how to plant strawberry plants, when to plant strawberry plants, and strawberry plant care.
How To Grow Strawberry Plantation At Home
When planning your strawberry patch, it’s important to know that strawberry fruit plants thrive in bright sun so locate a bright sunny spot where they’ll have six or more hours of full sun exposure.
Many varieties produce blossoms in early spring that can be killed by a late frost unless there’s plenty of sun on your strawberry fruit plants. Most importantly, keep in mind that the amount of sun your strawberry fruit plants get will determine the size of the crop and the size of the berries as well.
Rich soil with a pH factor of 6 to 6.5 works best for strawberry plants, so plan on working some organic compost into the soil in your beds or pots. The soil needs to be well-draining. Your plants should be spaced 1 to 2 feet about 31-46 cm apart to allow plenty of room for them to grow and spread.
There are three basic types of strawberry fruit plants: June-bearing, spring-bearing (which provides strawberry fruit early in the season), and everbearing (which will produce strawberry fruit all summer long). There are many varieties of strawberries within these categories, so consult with your local garden strawberry plant nursery or extension service for the kinds that grow best in your area.
The best time to plant June and spring-bearing strawberry fruit plant is on a cloudy day in March or April, as soon as the ground is workable. This gives the strawberry plants ample time to get established before warm weather arrives. Place them just deep enough into the soil to cover the roots with about 1/4 inch about 6 mm, leaving the crowns exposed.
Planting strawberry fruit plants in rows requires about 3 to 4 feet about 1 m between rows. This strawberry plant will allow June and spring-bearing plants enough space to send out “daughters,” or runners. If you have everbearing strawberry fruit plants, you may want to plant them individually in mounded hills. These strawberry plants can be planted in mid-September to mid-October for a spring berry harvest.
Strawberry Plant Care and Tips
As soon as your plants are in the ground, water and apply an all-purpose fertilizer to get them off to a good start and growth.
This is tough to do, but it’s important; remove all the blossoms from your June-bearing strawberry fruit plant during its first growth season and remove blossoms from everbearing plants until early July. After these first rounds of blossoms are taken off, the strawberry plants will produce berries. Pinching the first blossoms helps the root systems strengthen and helps the strawberry plants make better, bigger berries.
Don’t drown your berry plants but try to be sure they are regularly watered with an average of 1 to 2 inches about 3 to 5 cm of water every day. Drip or soaker hoses placed moist work best.
Make sure your strawberry plant home doesn’t have perennial weeds and try not to plant them where potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, or even strawberries have been grown in the previous two years. This technique will help to avoid root disease problems. Harvest your strawberry plants when they’re red and ripe and enjoy them in jams or desserts or freeze them to enjoy over the winter.
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