Do's and Don'ts While Managing Garden Waste

Managing garden waste is always a big problem for the one who has a garden in their home or offices, it takes a lot to make your garden look clean. Probably you are also looking for various ways to manage your garden waste, this Article has information related to how to manage your garden waste.
Most garden wastes consist of dried and brown leaves, twigs, tree branches, hedge cuttings, dead plants etc. These wastes are full of carbon content. So besides just seeing it as a waste, converting it into compost is a great way to manage it.
Waste To Compost
The best thing about converting garden waste into compost is that it again goes into the same soil and increases the soil fertility and this cycle goes on. Compost requires carbon and nitrogen rich material .Garden waste as rich in carbon content when mixed with the waste generated from your kitchen which is full of nitrogen will result in a well balanced compost.
Garden waste Compost can be applied in a range of end uses, within full-scale agriculture, landscaping, gardens and brownfield sites. It can be used as a mulch, soil improver, topsoil constituent, and growing medium constituent.
To make it easier and effortless composting need some parameters to get the best result which are
Do's While Managing Garden Waste
- If possible, consider setting up a compost bin to recycle your garden waste at home or use a vertical garden tower with a composter.
-(Buy Sadabahar vertical garden composter tower available at Urban plants)
- Branches and twigs of the garden should be in small pieces to put in compost.
Don'ts While Managing Garden Waste
- Although composting process sites have measures to remove contamination, it is important that plastics and large stones are kept to a minimum in garden waste collected for composting, in order to ensure that a quality product can be made by recycling of garden waste.
- It is also important that grass cuttings where herbicides have been used aren't put in the recycling compost bin.
- Open air windrow composting is generally used for garden waste composting materials only. Catering waste or animal wastes should not go in your garden waste bin.
- Don't put diseased or infested plants as microbes on those plant will not die in compost and will contaminate other plants.

You can also use a particular compost bin or the product which has an inbuilt composter with Planting facilities. The inbuilt vertical garden composter tower is available at Urban plants. This helps in space saving movable features and also increases fertilization of your plants in the garden tower with the compost from the composter.
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