Crocosmia: The Mysterious Flower With a Magical Effect!

by Sadabahar Greens Pvt. Ltd.

Botanical Name- Montbretia

Plant Type- Herbaceous Perennial 

Blooming Time - Mid to late summer

Soil Type- well drained


Crocosmia bulbs are a must-have for the garden. They come in a variety of colors and flowers in a variety of shapes and sizes. They are not only beautiful, but they also attract butterflies and hummingbirds.  


Crocosmia planting care

Planting Crocosmia

Crocosmia plants do not need to be pampered in terms of soil, but good drainage is important. If your soil is heavy clay, amend the soil with sand and peat moss (used for firewood) to create a well-draining, loose consistency. An alternative is to grow crocosmia plants in raised beds or containers.


Crocosmia grows and flowers in full sun. They will grow in partial sun but will not bloom when planted in full sun. Some afternoon shade is good in hot weather. If your partial shade of Crocosmia plants is facing the sun, dig up the corms once the leaves have faded and move them to a sunny location.


crocosmia aurei plants need regular watering, but you should not overwater them. Water when the top part of the soil feels dry.


Cut off the flower stalks, but do not remove the crocosmia leaves until they die back naturally at the end of the growing season. While they are still green, photosynthesis puts energy back into the corms and flowers in subsequent years.

Crocosmia propagation

You can propagate Crocosmia by cutting the small offsets that form on the corms



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