Capsicum Farming in Polyhouse (Bell Pepper) for Profit

by Sadabahar Greens Pvt. Ltd.


Welcome, fellow farmers, to the world of year-round capsicum cultivation within the cozy confines of a polyhouse. Capsicum, also known as sweet pepper or green pepper, not only tantalizes our taste buds but can also be a lucrative venture. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the steps to maximize your profits through successful polyhouse capsicum farming.Capsicum-Farming-in-Polyhouse-(Bell Pepper)-for-Profit-Urban-Plants

Variety Selection:

Capsicum comes in a delightful array of colors, from the classic green to vibrant red, yellow, orange, and even unique shades like black, cream, and brown. For Indian farmers, popular varieties like California Wonder, Chinese Giant, Yolo Wonder Bharat, and more offer a diverse range to choose from.

Ideal Soil Conditions:

Capsicums thrive in well-drained soil with a minimum depth of 400 mm. Aim for sandy-loam to loam soils due to their rapid warming and good water retention properties. Capsicums are hardy, tolerating various climates, but steer clear of frost. Keep the temperature between 15 to 25°C, and maintain a soil pH level between 6.0 to 6.5.

Preparing Growing Beds:Capsicum-Farming-in-Polyhouse-(Bell Pepper)-for-Profit-Urban-Plants

Inside your polyhouse, create raised beds measuring 75cm in width and 45cm in height, leaving 45cm of space between them. Before bed creation, incorporate 10kg/m2 of well-decomposed organic manure or vermicompost along with sand sawdust. To ensure soil health, apply 4% formaldehyde and cover the beds with polythene sheets for 3 to 5 days. After removing the sheets, daily raking helps eliminate residual formaldehyde fumes.

Capsicum Seed Treatment:

Prior to sowing, soak capsicum seeds in Thiram or Captan, Ceresin, etc., at a rate of 2gm/kg of seeds. This treatment is essential to safeguard the plants from seed-borne diseases.

Transplanting and Seedlings:

Ensure the beds are adequately irrigated and moist before transplanting. Sow capsicum seedlings in two rows on the raised beds, and consider using plastic mulch to retain water and suppress weed growth. Initiate drip irrigation to provide 2 to 3 liters of water per square meter daily, adjusting based on local weather conditions. Train the plants to maintain 2 to 4 stems per plant for optimal growth.

Capsicum-Farming-in-Polyhouse-(Bell Pepper)-for-Profit-Urban-Plants


Polyhouse capsicum farming offers the promise of year-round productivity and profitability. By diligently following these steps, you can cultivate high-quality capsicums that are not only rich in nutrients but also in flavor. Here's to successful and bountiful capsicum harvests in your flourishing polyhouse!

#CapsicumFarming #PolyhouseCultivation #MaximizeProfits #HealthyHarvest

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