Best Plants for Modern Vertical Garden Ideas
Modern Vertical garden system can be made of many different types of plants. Common examples, and the ones that tend to do best for indoor setups, are herbs, mosses, ferns, ficus repens, pilea, and calathea. Exterior vertical gardens tend to contain vines, moss, or other larger, faster-growing plants. Outdoor vertical gardens tend to thrive better because of their access to bright sunlight, but both indoor and exterior gardens should be placed in a location where they can get as much sunlight as possible.
Choose the Right Plants for Vertical Garden
Not every kind of plant will thrive in a vertical garden design, or the ones you imaged in your design may not be in season. Be sure whichever plants you choose are right for the season to ensure longevity.
Make sure your vertical garden pots are well-draining. Whether you’re creating a hanging pot garden or filling up window boxes with plants, your vertical garden planters should have adequate drainage holes to prevent a buildup of mildew and fungus.
Best Vertical Garden plants
You might be surprised to learn there are more than a few species of edible plants that you can grow on your balcony or outdoors Vertical Garden Depending on the size of your space and how long you’re willing to wait to cultivate the fruits of your labor. Example Kiwi, Gooseberries and Vegetables etc.
Succulents and cacti tend to be popular these days. They are low-maintenance plants that require minimal water and come in a colorful array of colors that liven up even the most dreary of spaces. They also don’t grow all that fast or that much, and they have a whimsical appearance to them, which makes them perfect in a vertical garden design.
With composter vertical garden planter tower

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