Best Low Maintenance Indoor Plants In India
Pollution is a major problem that not only India is facing but the entire world is grappling with. This is also known as environmental pollution. We define pollution as any substance, be it solid, liquid or gas or any form of energy like heat, sound etc.

Indoor plants as air cleaner
Blending into the environment can do this. People spend much of their time indoors, and pollution can come in any form — furniture, household cleaning products, inadequate ventilation, volatile gasses, contaminated gasses, tobacco smoke, artificial fragrances, deodorants, pesticides, and pet dander.
A simple solution to improve indoor air quality is plants - they are cheap and very effective. So, this World Environment Day on June 5, let's take a look at five indoor plants to bring that freshness to your home also indoor plants for positive energy
Here are best low maintenance indoor plants also indoor plants for good luck

Snake Plant
Sansevieria, commonly known as the snake plant, is a low-maintenance plant. It can accept any kind of light. It does not require much water. It grows more effectively in areas with high light levels than low light levels
ZZ Plants
It's at the top of the list for a reason. The ZZ plant is one of the low light tolerant indoor plants, it likes the soil to dry out between watering. It is a relatively slow grower so it does not need to be repotted very often. The perfect plant for the lazy gardener!
Lucky Bamboo
It can be grown in soil or even just in water! It does not like direct sun, which makes it a perfect indoor plant. It doesn't make a mess, it just grows slowly in the water, but you can actually see it growing in the soil. If it's in the water, no care is taken!
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