7 Most Amazing Balcony Homesteading Ideas
You don’t need to have acres of land or a big garden to be a pro-Apartment Homesteader. Follow these amazing Balcony Homesteading Ideas!
Homesteading is an art of being self-sufficient and what could be better than growing your own food in a limited space! Here are the best Balcony Homesteading Ideas to get started with!
Creative Balcony Homesteading Ideas
1. Grow a Balcony Herb Garden

If you have a small balcony, you can choose to grow some of the easy-to-care herbs such as mint, basil, lavender, thyme, oregano, and rosemary. Enjoy them fresh from your own grown supply!
2. Grow Micro Greens

Microgreens are becoming popular with many gardeners because they are very high on nutrients, require lesser space, and grow really fast. A small, well lit balcony is all you need to grow them fresh all year-round.
3. Grow a Fruit Garden

Even if you have a small balcony, you can utilize it to grow some fruit trees in pots. Dwarf varieties of mango, apple, cherry, fig, and peach work great in containers. What could be more healthy than enjoying a bowl of fruit salad from your own harvest!
4. Grow Your Own Berries

They could be expensive at the grocery stores and you can get them for free by growing berries in small pots in your balcony. The only catch is, you need to have a open space that gets 6-7 hours of sunlight.
5. Grow Your Own Vegetable Garden

There’s nothing like growin your own food and enjoy a organic harvest in your meals. There are many nutritious veggies that you can grow in pots in your balcony easily and we have a great article on it.
6. Balcony Beekeeping

Urban beekeeping is becoming popular these days and you can try it.The honey production would be lesser but it will be more than enough for your family!
7. Grow Medicinal Plants

Grow plants with medicinal value in your balcony garden such as garlic, vetiver Grass, turmeric, curry leaves and more. Not only could this help you with your home cooking but they will also come in handy in case of illnesses, cuts, burns, and wounds.
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