6 Most Popular Varieties Of Dahlia Flower

Dahlia is known for its variety of gorgeous flower bloom.Dahlia flower is mostly used as a cut flower for making beautiful bouquets.It has a variety of flowers from large size as dinner plate to the mini size varying in shape,and colors.It can be grown as flower beds in the garden or even a container of your balcony.
Dahlia bulbs used to grow when the frost threat had passed.It gives gorgeous bloom when it gets 6-7hrs enough sunlight.
This white dahlia variety has dinner plate size flowers.It brightenup when sunlight falls on it and at moon night it acts as a luminous,glow like appearance.That is what makes it most loving and popular in all varieties of Dahlia plant.

This bright red dahlia variety has golden color at the edges of flower.Dutch carnival flowers are of large size that is what makes it more attractive.As to focus on one flower to grow fully only one bud has to be left on per stem.
Lady darlene variety of dahlia flower has two toned color petals with pale yellow and red touch on the tip of each petals.
The dahlia bulbs should be planted with a gap of 2.5feet.
This variety will enhance your late summer gardening with its small and adorable flowers of bright magenta color.Its flower used in making bouquet.
This variety of dahlia does not attain much height and its bulbs can be planted in a container.The flower is of light pink with dark vein on each petal.
This dahlia flower plant never ceases to attract everyone with its curved,soft petals having light pink shade with pale yellow heart.To get more flowers make sure to pinch the topmost head of stem which will lead to a bushier plant.
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